
Review // Rene Furterer Paris 'Curbicia' Shampoo

As long as I can remember, I've been dealing with hair that gets greasy in a heartbeat. For me to have pretty, shiny, clean hair all the time, I would have to wash it every day. Two days without washing definitely is the limit for me. If I don't have enough time or when I'm too lazy, I put my hair up in a ponytail or a bun, but still, it's just no fun.

I've tried every shampoo against greasy hair available, without any luck... Until now! A while ago, I received an email from Farmaline, asking if I wanted to try out some of their products. I'm always in to discover new things, so I said yes. Since I wasn't sure what to pick, they asked if I had some issues with certain parts of my body. I explained the hair situation and received a customized beauty package the day after. There was a note included, saying that the Rene Furterer Paris 'Curbicia' Shampoo was a personal favorite, so I decided to try it out immediately. And we have a winner! I'm totally addicted to this shampoo now and I'm definitely going to keep on using it in the future. 

Want to read more about my - positive - experience with this shampoo?
Just click below! 

Now, what do the developers of the Rene Furterer Paris 'Curbicia' Shampoo say about their own product?

"Curbicia lightness regulating shampoo gently cleanses the scalp while eliminating sebum. Squash seed extract, combined with deep-cleansing and aromatic essential oils of Clove, Thyme, Rosemary and Orange, help to regulate excess of oil. Hair and scalp feel fresh and light. Silicone-free. 

How do you use it?

"Apply to wet hair and scalp. Massage into scalp, work into a lather and then rinse. Apply a second application, leave on for 2 to 5 minutes and then rinse thoroughly."

The ingredients?

The rosemary and thyme are definitely present in the smell, which is rather strong. As some of you may know, I'm not a big fan of strong smelling shampoos, crèmes, whatever... but if this is it to get rid of that damn greasy hair, I'm willing to inhale that smell 24 hours a day if I have to.

That being said, I applied, massaged, rinsed, applied some more, left it on for 5 minutes (going hardcore here at Shark Attack HQ, lol) and rinsed again. I dried my hair and waited patiently to see how long my hair would last grease free... *drumroll* 

I managed to look presentable for 4 days... 4 DAYS, PEOPLE! That has never, ever happened to me before. Oh, and I went to the gym two times in between too. 4 days, 2 gym sessions and clean hair still. Needless to say that this shampoo passed the test brilliantly. If you're struggling with the same problem I was (hence the past tense, yay!), I strongly recommend you to try this shampoo. You will love it! 

You can get the Rene Furterer Paris 'Curbicia' Shampoo HERE.
Price: € 12,50

This product was sent to me by a PR company / brand. 
This does not affect my opinion in any way. 


  1. Bedankt voor de tip Krizia! Dan ga ik hem zeker eens proberen!

    x Karen

  2. Graag gedaan! :D
    Nu weet je waarom het mijn persoonlijke favoriet is hehe.
    Het masker van dezelfde lijn is ook enorm goed maar dat is echt wel voor de noodgevallen als niets meer helpt.

  3. Ik heb in het algemeen niet echt veel last van snel vettig worden van mijn haar.
    Maar dit is wel een goed tip, ik onthoud hem zeker voor moest ik last krijgen ;)


  4. Great review!! :)


  5. VIER dagen?! Deze moet ik ook proberen!

  6. Wauw dat klinkt wel heel goed!
    Ik heb met ouder worden minder last van heel vettig haar, maar ik kan het max 2 dagen los laten (2de dag met een goede portie droogshampoo). Dit lijkt me best wel iets om te testen, maar droogt het de rest van je haar niet uit? Mijn haarpunten zijn namelijk altijd heel snel droog.

    X Sara


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