10 January 2012

Wanted // PS1 Medium in Orchid

I've stalked everyone on my Facebook fanpage - as well as my personal page - with this bag. I've stalked everyone on Twitter with this bag. I've stalked everyone on Tumblr with this bag. So it is only natural that I have to stalk y'all too on the blog.

So, I've set up a piggy bank so that I could start saving for a new designer bag. I initially claimed that I wanted to go for the Céline Boston bag in black. Such a classic, timeless piece which I'm sure I'd use for life if I'd own it. But yesterday, while having a look at my favorite blogs, I saw this baby on Fashion Squad ... The PS1 in Orchid by Proenza Schouler. Isn't it a beauty? I'm usually not a pink kind of girl, but this pink is ... Well ... A pretty kind of pink - Or purple, as Stephanie from Style Laboratory claims. ;)
I know that this color isn't the best color to combine, but I can't get this bag out of my head. #sigh

I looked for the price tag on the LuisaViaRoma-website, and it's quite similar to the Céline Boston's price tag, which makes it even harder. If this bag would've cost like a gazillion euros, it would've been easier to make up my mind and go for the Céline Boston bag. I'm literally going crazy.

So, what do you think?
Splurge on a not so timeless, but gorgeous, color or stick with the classic pieces you could wear with everything? I guess the question above is already answering it and one of my New Year's Resolutions was to invest in timeless pieces, but still ... Going crazy here!

(PS1 Medium in Orchid available on LuisaViaRoma)

x Krizia

Photo: Fashionsquad.com


  1. Roze is eigenlijk ook wel timeless hoor! Een vriendin heeft een Marc Jacobs in het felroze en ze draagt hem echt bij àlles. Past zowel bij een zomerse outfit als bij een donkere winteroutfit! Dus ik ben fan ;-)

    1. haha, Paulien, 'tijdloos' is wel voor 30 of 40 jaar e :p een jonge vrouw die al 3 jaar ofzo een roze sacoche draagt is niet echt hetzelfde :-p. Maar Kriz moet kiezen! :D xx

  2. Ik weet het niet, jong! Kies gwn iets waar je zeker van bent, dat je het veel gaat dragen. Want voor zo'n bedrag...

  3. Ik vind ze alletwee super maar mijn hart gaat uit naar de boston bag van Céline :)

  4. Idd ook een topper! Maar de Boston blijft toch mijn ultieme favoriet. Ik was in Rome helemaal verliefd op de gele... ook niet bepaald 'tijdloos' :-) x

  5. Tough one. I must say I am still sooooo happy with my proenza bag, that I would consider investing in another one... Mine is blue of course, so that's a different story :) However, I seem to remember you already have some pretty classic bags in your wardrobe...

  6. sparen is vreselijk als je iets wil. wachten wachten wachten :( mooie tas !

  7. had ook bijna een Fushia tas gekocht maar ook omwille van tijdgebonden niet durven kopen, maar ik twijfel nog steeds....
    Prachtige close up foto

  8. Ik ben super fan vd boston bag, maar deze is ook een hele mooie :)
    Tis ook een serieus budget, dus slaap er zeker een paar nachtjes over..

  9. Supermooie tas, en ja in dit geval is het heel moeilijk, want eigenlijk zou ik die ook gewoon willen in alle mogelijke kleuren! KIEZEN GAAT NIET!!

  10. very nice bag! you can get it, i am sure of it ;)

    From http://www.checkmyfashion.com/
    An Online Wardrobe for worldwide Fashion Lovers

  11. love that pic,shes amazing,im having a H&M x Versace dress giveaway,come join?

  12. i have seen the new PS collection and it is all about bright neon colors! if i would buy a new bag it would be a PS, the color is not too bright but i would go for a more neutral color!

  13. to be honest, I couldn't spend that much on a single item... that bag is really beautiful though, get a knock off :P

    beautiful blog btw!

    <3 zoe


  14. @ Zoe_Flood: As much as I understand and respect your point of view, I don't do knock offs. I find them disrespectful towards the real designers who have put so many work and effort in the real deal.

  15. great blog! i like your style!

    i am follwing you now. take a look at my blog :)




  16. Nice post! I like it: this bag is amazing!!!

    Take a look and if you want we can follow each others: Cosa mi metto???
    Win an amazing dress by entering the Free People giveaway on my blog!

  17. Hmm dilemma! Als ik die Ps1 zie, vind ik hem echt super, en ik zie jou die echt wel dragen! Maar inderdaad de Céline Boston is ook echt super. Wat bij mij altijd werkt, maar ik weet niet of dat voor jou mogelijk is, is de tas eens te "passen", dus in de winkel eens vast te houden, meestal zegt dat al heel veel. Ik heb de Céline Boston in zwart "gepast" en dat gaf echt niets, bij mij past dan één met meer kleuren beter.
    Hopelijk helpt dit toch iets...

    x Judith

    ps: ik blog weer :-)

  18. the color is stunning!! If you can afford it, why not but it's not a timeless one...Good luck with your decision

    Travel in Style

  19. Le sac est super!!!
    Angela Donava

  20. This bag ROCKSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! Go for it ;)

    Would you like to follow each other?

    Evi xoxo


  21. Love it! :)


  22. I like this :) I think it's funky but still classic! The Celine bag is awesome too, but I think this is more fun :P Plus everyone is crying the celine around these days, this is a bit different. Yes it's pink, but you wear a lot of black, so this would be an effortless "pop of color" :) My vote goes to PS1!

  23. I'm in love with the PS1 in Orchid too it's such a nice colour! My rule is that you can buy a black bag in any brand and price point - you have to go for the bag that grabs your attention!

    Have you checked out Erica at HGbags too? She usually has free shipping or other discount codes on her website, and the bags are all priced less than US retail. Authentic too, which is the most important thing :) She has some orchid - maybe email and ask if she will get the PS1 in? http://hgbagsonline.com/cart/handbags-proenza-schouler-c-22_76.html?page=4&sort=20a

    Hope it helps you :)


  24. That bag looks pretty cool indeed, good luck with saving for it! :-)

  25. I have the same problem : the PS1 bag and the Boston Bag are my two favourite designer bags at the moment, but right now, I don't feel like spending all my money on a designer bag, so that doens't make the decision so difficult :D ! I think the Boston bag is just more classic, since the PS1 bag is available is so many colours and fabrics... Good luck making your decision, I'm curious what it will be ;) !

  26. I love the PS, but I think you'll regret the Boston bag purchase way less over time. What would be the point of having a gorgeous bag if you won't wear it again in 2,3 years time? :)
    Sorry for stomping on your dreamz gurl xxx

  27. I am obsessed with the PS1 in general! I think that's the perfect size and such a lovely colour! I love it in the pale pink suede, too! <3

  28. Ik zou voor dat geld toch eerder gaan voor tijdloos.. En wanneer je later een kerstpremie of whatever krijgt kan je splurgen op minder-tijdloze dingen (mijn theorie :p)


  29. Het bloesje is superleuk ! Ik volg je , meid :)

    Lisa x


Thank you so much for all of your comments.
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