
Feature // Various

Hi everyone!

I'm honored that I can show you some new features - I still have to get used to it.
The picture above shows my feature on Style Today, where I had to comment on seven of my outfits and also got interviewed on my style, inspiration and fashion icons. The article is in Dutch, but if you want to see the whole article, you can click HERE.

Click below to see more features.

A feature on I Love Fashion News, taken during the We Like Fashion-event in Amsterdam I blogged about yesterday. It's not the most flattering picture, but I got up at 4 am that day. To see the whole article, click HERE.

A feature on Flair, which is also one of Belgium's leading women magazines. The article is about the Belgian blogosphere and they picked 10 Belgian bloggers in their article. I'm very happy and honored to be one of them! To see the whole article, click HERE.

Another appearance on the Flair-website, but this time in a video of the Forever 21-party I attended last Wednesday. The video (and this picture) shows how addicted I am to my Blackberry... *shame on me* To see the whole video, click HERE -- It's the last video in the article.

I would like to thank everyone for featuring me.
Words can't even express how much it means to me!

x Krizia


  1. Thank you! That's so awesome! Would you like to follow each other?

    xx Marije

  2. Congrats!You deserve it!

  3. Moet echt raar zijn om jezelf te zien haha! Maar wel supercool ook natuurlijk! Je hebt echt een leuke stijl! xx

  4. superleuk voor je! je verdient het wel!
    xoxo Sarah

  5. Wow congrats! Thats so great! Thanks for your comment-following you now!

    follow me back!

  6. Gefeliciteerd!
    Ik zag je foto al op de facebook pagina van we like fashion :) Mooie foto is dat.

  7. Ahw, nice that you got featured again :D That's awesome for you :D Haha, I like the video and the way that they were zooming you in and you were just like "what? I just love my blackberry" :P Haha :D Love it :D

  8. That is wonderful, congrats on the features! That is very awesome!

  9. Wow, proficat met je publicatie! :) Leuk leuk!

    x Sarah


Thank you so much for all of your comments.
I always do my best to answer your questions, so if you have a question, I'll answer it here in the comment section!