
Trip // Antwerp

I don't know if I told you before, but I'm studying to become an English and 
history teacher -- Shame on me if I make any mistakes here on the blog! ;)

Some fellow students and I have to organize a study trip to Antwerp for a history 
project, so we had to go there ourselves first to figure everything out.
It was the perfect opportunity for me to take out my camera again, since Antwerp is 
one of my favorite cities ever. 
Besides shopping,it also has a lot to offer for history lovers like myself.

Here's a small 'documentary' of my (history) trip!

P.S.: Since I was the photographer that day, you won't see me in the pictures + My 
fellow students didn't really know how to take proper pictures with my camera. :D

We went by train, which gave me another excuse to buy a fashion magazine. I can't 
travel without something to read.

We started the day at Starbucks.
On the picture: my beloved Blackberry and my Raspberry Black Currant Frappuccino 
Blended Juice Drink.

We were lucky to have a cloudless blue sky that day. Let's hope we'll have another 
one when we have to come back for our official study trip.

The pretty champagne bar in the Stadfeestzaal.

Our next stop was 'het Rubenshuis', former house of and now museum honoring the 
famous Belgian baroque artist Peter Paul Rubens. We didn't go inside (no time), 
but if you appreciate art, I'm sure you will appreciate Rubens' art too!

Next stop: the Plantijn-Moretus museum, which used to be the house of one of 
Belgium's most famous printer family. You'll find hundreds of old books and 
documents here, not to forget the artwork you'll find there. If you're a 
literature / history lover like me, I'm sure you'll love this place!

The Grote Markt with the famous guild houses and Antwerp's cathedral. In the small 
streets surrounding the square and the cathedral, you'll find a lot of charming 
(souvenir) shops and restaurants.

Antwerp has its own little Chinatown. On the picture you can see the entrance and 
it really seems like a gateway to another world.
We only walked by it, so I couldn't take more pictures.

We ended the day with another stop at Starbucks. This time, I took the Frappuccino 
Chocolate With Cream.
I also bought some macarons for my mom.


  1. Nice trip, looks like your a true Starbucks fan! ;)
    xoxo Sarah

  2. @ Sarah: Starbucks is a one hour drive from where I live, so I have to take advantage when I'm there. :D

    @ Glamour Bbey.: Ja, het was voor school dat ik er was, dus kon niet afspreken. :(

  3. how funny, I once was a history teacher a long long long time ago. now I get it, that’s why you visited Rubens Huis, such a typical school trip, but I always loved the museum (wish I was Rubens heiress) and it’s so close to the most fabulous shopping street. Don’ you love the small beds, how odd that they would sleep sitting down. For us Starbucks will always be an adventure.

  4. @ Absolutely Mrs. K: Yeah, I took tons of pictures and it was hard to select them. :D I can't imagine sleeping in those tiny beds!

  5. Ah gaaf,
    ziet er mooi uit!
    Heerlijk weertje had je ook zo te zien ^^

    &Jummie die macarons!

  6. Oooh ik mis Antwerpen zo :(

    x Sabrina

  7. @ Jan: Het was wel héél koud. :D

    @ Vitalitijd: En ik mis jou!

  8. Oooohhh Antwerp!! :D I adore it! We live very close to the center of the city and Ive studied in Antwerp University, so I can consider myself very lucky cause it is a great city. It preserves lots of history signals, I really enjoy to walk around with my hubby and drink something on the terraces in summer, and in winter to explore all the different restaurants you can find there... :)

  9. Ohhh, that's my cityyyy!
    Love the pictures!


  10. This place looks so beautiful!Have fun when you go there for the study trip honey!

  11. Haa, een van de geniale brains achter de blogmeeting! Nee serieus, super fijn plan!
    + Antwerpen is heilig :D
    & die eerste Starbucks ziet er zo lekker uit!

    x Je suis Sophie

  12. Oooh, Antwerp is such a great city :D Awesome photos and loving the macarons, haha :D

  13. @ Angela R.: I totally agree with you! Maybe we could meet up one day when I visit Antwerp again! :D

    @ Rania Keledisou: Thanks sweetheart. I'm gonna need it!

    @ Her name is Sophie: Ja, ik kijk er al naar uit! :D Hopelijk kan iedereen dan!

    Thanks for the sweet comments! Be sure to visit Antwerp when you get the chance. :D

  14. Hey meid,

    wat een leuke foto's allemaal!
    Antwerpen heeft zo inderdaad enkele verborgen historische kanten he?

    Zo te zien had je toch een leuke dag... En de dag starten en stoppen bij starbucks is gewoon geweldig!

    Liefs, Valerie

  15. Lovely pictures
    Ik ben zelf van Antwerpen, maar wist niet dat er een China town was :) heel leuk

  16. Of course dear Krizia, we can meet in Antwerp whenever you want, it would be great!! :D then we can exchange some peruvian and belgian pieces of history :D

  17. @ Angela R.: And some Italian history too! I'm Italian, haha. :D
    Do you have Facebook maybe? That would be easier! You can find me by searching the name Krizia Schiavone!

  18. Ik ben ook vaak in Antwerpen te vinden, om te shoppen dan! ;-)

    Ooh, en die macarons zien er echt heerlijk uit!

  19. I did not know you are italian! :D Well ok, so we will share information about peruvian, belgian and italian history :) Hey, thats a nice mix of cultures eh! :D I sent to you a FB invitation for adding you as my friend... kiss!

  20. Hoi!

    Ik heb zelf een diploma als leerkracht Engels-geschiedenis. Wat een toeval :). Op dit moment studeer ik fotografie in Genk, daarom dat ik er part-time woon. In het weekend woon ik bij mijn ouders in een dorpje tegen Turnhout.

    En tuurlijk wil ik wel eens afspreken ;).


Thank you so much for all of your comments.
I always do my best to answer your questions, so if you have a question, I'll answer it here in the comment section!