17 November 2010

New Look Bloggers Night: The Outfit

Hi everyone!

I'm invited to the 'New Look Bloggers Night' tonight,
which will take place in Brussels.

I'm not really sure what to expect,
but the invitation said will get information about the Spring / Summer-collection.
I love New Look, especially the shoes.
They're affordable to all of us, and they stay wearable for quite a while.
I had some black pumps who survived me going clubbing for several years. :D

Looking at the name, I think a lot of Belgian bloggers will be there.
Sofie from Fashionata already tweeted me she'll be there too.
I'm so excited!

Of course, I'll take pictures of the event, so stay tuned!

Dress: NEW LOOK // Shoes: NEW LOOK // Tights: H&M // Belt: GUCCI


  1. Mooie jurk!
    Leuke foto met de kat trouwens ;)

    Have fun tonight!

  2. Ooh ik had op je facebook nog reactie achter gelaten om te laten weten of je ging :(! Ja nu kan ik niet meer

  3. ADORO questo vestito,secondo me è uno dei più belli che hai! sei elegantissima

  4. Leuke schoentjes, veel plezier. Lijkt me fijn om zo'n invites te krijgen x

  5. wow you are so lucky! i am sure you will have a great time!! enjoy the night out!!

  6. I love those pictures! I love Audrey, she was THE woman!!
    And your outfit is beautiful, this dress is so cute with the heart on the back!!

  7. Beautiful dress and I like the photo with your cat :) Have fun tonight ! :)

  8. Hope you had fun!
    Love the back of the dress <3

  9. Thank you for all the sweet comments!
    I'll write the new post as soon as I have my camera back - I forgot in my dad's car.
    The even wasn't really what I expected, due to the organization that could have been better.
    I'll tell you all about it in my new post!

    @ Jessica: Wow, you the first to recognize Audrey Hepburn! :D

  10. wauwww amazing look, I really loved watching your blog!
    come follow me I will follow back!


  11. @ Hilaloeya: Thank you for the kind words!

  12. I love the detail in the dress!!!!
    congrats on the invite Krizia =)



Thank you so much for all of your comments.
I always do my best to answer your questions, so if you have a question, I'll answer it here in the comment section!