11 June 2010

The Jumpsuit

The weather is great today, which sometimes is a rarity here in Belgium.
I decided to take advantage and to wear the jumpsuit I got from my aunt a while ago.

It's very comfortable, I love to wear it.
I usually wear the jumpsuit with some flats, but I decided to take out my Marni-shoes.
I should wear them more often, but I'm always so afraid I'll ruin them.
They're not the most comfortable shoes ever, but I love them.
And, my mom is always saying:

If you want to look pretty, you have to suffer sometimes.

I'm also wearing a vintage Gucci-watch, which used to belong to my grandfather.
He traded this watch for another, since his eyesight isn't that great anymore
and he was having too much trouble reading the time from this one.

P.S.: My cat decided to join me when I was taking these pictures. :D

Jumpsuit: UNKNOWN // Shoes: MARNI // Watch: GUCCI (VINTAGE)


  1. het horloge is zeer mooi!

  2. hele mooie jumpsuit en geweldige schoenen !! x

  3. Loving this!
    De schoenen zijn echt mooi ^^
    Cute cat too :D

  4. Loving the shoes!

    En uw kat knows fashion :p
    A true model hahaha


  5. Echt heel chic en elegant! Je schoenen zijn super!

  6. what i nice piece! so special that it's from your grandfather. i just found out that my mother is giving me my grandfather's old omega watch, so excited. i hope it's as nice as this.

  7. well, its an interesting blog....


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