
Shark Attack Talks... // Photoshop

My sister sent me this article earlier with the headline:

'Before' photo confirms Photoshop at play in Madonna's Louis Vuitton campaign.

I really started laughing when I read the article. I don't think anyone needs a before photo to know that Madonna was photoshopped. Even a 20-year-old would look as fake as Madonna does, being retouched like that! And I know that every photograph that makes a campaign or front cover of a magazine has been retouched, but this is just too much.


  1. Het was erom gedaan natuurlijk. Maar terwijl de bewerkte foto er heel cool eruit ziet, is de onbewerkte versie van Madonna nogal belachelijk.

  2. Ik kan Madonna sowieso niet uitstaan, dus het zal daardoor zijn dat ik de bewerkte foto ook lelijk vind. :p x

  3. Thx for your comment ! Funny bc I think my Chanel jumbo bags is big and would like a 2.55 as it is smaller and won't get in my way !! Maybe this yr both our wishes will come true :) Mon Mode Blog


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